
Only one more week of University and I’ll be going back home. With the cats!!! ❤ I’ve missed the kitties so much over the last 12 weeks. The husband won’t be home for another week after me, so I’m not sure how I should spend the extra time.

Scratch that; I know how it SHOULD be spend. I’ll have two essays and a lab report to write up…

But that’s not the point, right?

So; it’s now December and that means it’s time to start thinking about my Word-Of-The-Year; my ‘resolution’.

Last year I half-heartedly chose three words, but I don’t even remember them now; and didn’t give them a second thought after the day I chose them. Therefore, this year I’m planning to do it properly and am currently looking for my next word.  So far I’m torn between those surrounding the theme of quiet/listen/patience/peace and intend/delight/gratitude/joy. We’ll see. I may even choose a word which has particular meaning to me, such as alacrity/honour/integrity.

I finished The Mindful Woman last night (& recommend you read it) and this morning, started How to Practise: The Way to a Meaningful Life by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. I’ve read small excerpts of his work before and find it insightful and simple to read. Shall let you know how I find it.

Oh, and I’m writing another.. book.. thing..  It’s not a novel nor a story really.. Not really sure what to call it =P    I’ll keep you posted.

I also want to thank you all for your never-ending support when it came to NaNoWriMo.  I’m not sure I could have completed it without the incessant support and encouragement. So I thank you and you deserve a pat on the back (= .

I’ve got around ten blog posts on the back burner I need to complete and I hope to get them out to you over the Winter holidays. The topics include:


-damnit list

-green goals


-daily rhythm/routine

-closing term

-love&mindful simplicity of emotion (thoughts on Kane & Theole)

If any of you have a preference, let me know; and i’ll work on finishing/posting those topics first. =)

In love and light,



  1. I am intrigued by the soap blog hehe and i think you should choose patience…think this would be good for you hehe

    1. Subtle.. 😛 thanks, I’ll think about it.

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